Welcome to the Northern Circuit

Dear All

The new Circuit Junior, Sam Watson of Atlantic Chambers, was sworn in last night at mess in Manchester. Congratulations to Sam.

He follows Marie-Claire Gane who has completed her stint as Junior. MCG has been a class act. I cannot thank her enough. I am sure that for her, as it is for me, the visit of the LCJ to mess will stand out as one of the great Circuit occasions. MCG can now bask in the best moment of being Circuit Junior - when it’s all over.



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Welcome to the Northern Circuit, a place of proud history, strong traditions, legal excellence and, importantly, overwhelming friendliness!

Stretching as it does from the Border City of Carlisle in Cumbria at its northernmost point, running through beautiful Lakeland to the port of Whitehaven in the West, on through Preston and Burnley in the heart of Lancashire to the great Northern powerhouses of Manchester, now regarded by many as England’s “second city”, and Liverpool, famous world-wide for its breathtaking waterfront over which Queen Elizabeth II Law Courts now keep watch, and most recently joined by the historic city of Chester and its surrounding county – the Northern Circuit remains at the forefront of legal development.

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Invitation to BSB Presentation on reporting concerns (Northern Circuit) Wednesday 11th September 5.30pm

Invitation to BSB Presentation on reporting concerns (Northern Circuit) Wednesday 11th September 5.30pm The Bar Standards Board (BSB) is committed to ensuring that reporting of misconduct by barristers, including bullying and harassment within the Bar, is taken seriously. We want to ensure that anyone who wishes to report a concern feels comfortable about doing so. The BSB has launched a series of outreach presentations to inform the Bar about how to report such incidences to us and what steps we will take after receiving a report, including taking disciplinary action. Our sessions will feature a presentation delivered by our staff who deal with reports of concerns about barristers and an opportunity to ask questions. Our next event will take place in the Northern Circuit on Wednesday 11th September, at 5.30pm at Nine St John Street Chambers (9 St John Street, Manchester M3 4DN). Introduced by the Leader of the Northern Circuit, Jaime Hamilton KC, the presentation followed by a Q&A session will last around 90 minutes. Beverages will be kindly provided by Nine St John Street Chambers. All barristers, clerks and administrative staff working within the Bar are welcome to attend, however we are particularly encouraging those who are junior members of the Bar to come along. This session will be hybrid, but we do encourage you to attend in person, if possible. Reserve your place by completing the registration form or emailing communications@barstandardsboard.org.uk.

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25th July 2024

Save the date - A review of Bullying, Harassment and Inappropriate Behaviour at the Bar

Save the date - A review of Bullying, Harassment and Inappropriate Behaviour at the Bar

Save the date: A review of Bullying, Harassment and Inappropriate Behaviour at the Bar 26th September 2024 at 5pm In-person at Exchange Chambers, Manchester, and live-streamed At the start of next term, the Northern Circuit Equality, Diversity and Social Mobility Committee will host a special event focussing on the problems of bullying, harassment and inappropriate behaviours at the bar. All members of Circuit are very welcome to attend, but we especially encourage attendance from Heads of Chambers, EDOs and members involved in their chambers’ work on Equality and Diversity. We are delighted to have as our key speakers at the event: - Upper Tribunal Judge Melanie Plimmer, President of the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) - His Honour Judge Nigel Bird Designated Civil Judge for Greater Manchester Further details to follow.

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15th July 2024

Leader's Message 21.12.23

Leader's Message 21.12.23

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21st December 2023

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RASSO Training


RASSO Training in person at the MMU with lunch provided Free to Members of Circuit £100 to non Members

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Pupil Supervisor Training Second Session for 2024 (Via Zoom)


Pupil Supervisor Training covering refresher as well as initial training

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Pupil Advocacy Training Day 1 - MMU


Pupil Advocacy Training Day 1 - MMU - **places all allocated, reserve list in operation** Contact Circuit Admin

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